Thursday July 16th

It has been a beautiful, sunny day on Columbia Lake. After a couple of very hot and humid days, today was much more comfortable. We enjoyed blue skies and a cool breeze off the lake all day! Breakfast this morning was bagels with cereal. Some kids passed their boating and swimming classes today and others have one more chance tomorrow to prove themselves. We had a lighter meal than usual for lunch in anticipation of our Banquet this evening. Options included tuna or egg salad and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. The campers are now busy at activity period. Today they can take a jump off the tower, play soccer on the A Field, practice their rowing skills, sail a sunfish or participate in the Archery Competition!

Tonight, we will gather for supper at 6:30pm instead of 6:00pm. The second Thursday night is always the most special evening at camp. Our Banquet meal always includes turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, stuffing and cranberry sauce. It's like a camp Thanksgiving! After the festive meal, the boys will take a break to play and then we will all gather back in the lodge for the evening program portion. At that time, we will introduce any guests that are joining us, watch a slideshow of photos taken during the two weeks and hand out Year Awards. Every camper receives a token to recognize their time at camp. The evening will conclude with the Candlelight Ceremony.

Only one more day!

LT Trivia yesterday's answer:  Wolverine's claws and skeleton are made of Adamantium

LT Trivia today's question: Name as many super heroes as you can.