Last Full Day!

To start off our final full day for this session, we had English muffins for breakfast with cereal alternatives. We were fortunate enough to have a sunny and clear-skied day for final testing in all classes. Campers put in their best efforts to pass their swimming and small craft classes, and finished up arts and crafts projects.  The great weather continued and we had a great general swim after rest hour.  

A little later in the afternoon, a group of campers took to the lake in all seven of the Sunfish sailboats and our big Hunter sailboat to play a game of pirates! It was a lot of fun and everyone had a great time. Currently campers are headed to the council ring for our campfire where they will receive rewards if they passed their small craft and swimming classes. Awards will also be given to those who placed in Track and Field events, and to those who maintained the cleanest cabin throughout the session. What everyone is most excited for however are the s'mores! Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow for pickup in the morning from 8:30-10am!

See you soon and signing off, Dan and Sloane

Day 12

Yesterday we had a great day and despite thinking the weather would make things challenging we lucked out for the most part!  Sailboats and other small crafts were able to go out and practice on the lake, and campers had a great time in swimming class as well.  We had a quick storm that came by in the afternoon but we had clear skies after for banquet!

The second Thursday is a special day with banquet, as the whole camp gets together and has supper in the main room of the upper lodge.  After a great meal consisting of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and more, we sung songs and watched a great slide show of pictures taken from throughout the session which everyone loved.  Banquet closes with a candlelight service, where each camper gets a candle in a bowl.  Most of the time we gather in a circle around the flagpole and light each candle one by one, but because there was minimal wind on the lake, we were able to float the candles onto the lake and enjoy the beautiful sight of watching all the candles slowly float away.  It truly is a special sight to see and everyone enjoyed it.  We have great weather for our last full day of camp which everyone is excited and thankful for.  

Days 8 & 9

On Sunday, we were lucky enough to avoid most of the rain storm and get classes in! Campers enjoyed cinnamon bread for breakfast, ham and noodles for dinner, and pick-up (our left over styled meal) for supper. Evening program was where the real excitement began, Deck - A - Counselor!!! Cabins chose two staff members out of a hat to bring back to their cabin and plan a skit together, decking them out however they wanted! Everyone laughed and loved this game which hasn't been played in years!

Monday morning, after rough storms through out the night, a tree branch fell right on the lodges power line! Due to this issue, and the lack of power, we got to sleep in, which the campers enjoyed. After a quick fix by a repair man, power was restored and everything could proceed as usual. The first three classes went on without a hitch, with rest hour following our Swedish meatballs dinner! Then came an optional general swim/gaga/tetherball time frame, and fourth period. Activity period today consisted of various games in the upper lodge, gaga and a huge focus around working on Secret Sister projects. Each camper got to pick a "secret sister" yesterday to compliment, do nice things, or make cards for. The idea is every similar to "secret santa." They have until Wednesday at supper, when we do the big reveal!!! So exciting!

Now we are off to play Garbage Collector, tonights evening program! 

Until tomorrow, 


Day 7

Welcome back to the Birch Blog!  Today at camp we started off with english muffins, and we had our Track and Field day!  Generally we have Track and Field day on Sunday however due to impending weather we decided to have it a day early and it was fantastic.  Campers had a great time participating in events which included running and standing long jump, softball throw, 50-yard dash, a “marathon” run (which is around a mile), and swim races.  There was also our classic team triathlon, where every camper has a role in a giant relay race.  Swimming, row boating and canoeing, and running takes place at different sections of the race.  

Kids are currently getting long pants and dark clothes on in preparation for evening program which will be Pirates!  This game includes being able to run about in the woods and involves lots of teamwork.  Before that we will have one last quick track and field event, the 220 and 440 meter dash.

Until next time,


Day 6

Our day today started with a camp staple, waffles and peanut butter! Then came cabin clean up, and a normal rotation of our first three periods (sports, boating, swimming or arts and crafts). For dinner we had chicken parmagain and sorbet, followed by the picking of green and white team captains. Tomorrow is track and field day here at camp, typically Sunday but moved up because of the impending rain! Captains went with Drew just before rest hour to divide the camp into green and white teams for tomorrows events!

After rest hour, we had a special guest join us! Carla, along with various African drums and musical instruments, visited camp and taught the campers different popular rhythms from the amazing places she's visited. Carla was able to showcase her love for this style of music, and her passion to help others, when she explained to our campers what visits like this meant for the villages she goes back to - fresh water wells and even a future bridge! It was an amazing treat for campers and counselors alike!

Supper tonight was burgers, followed by delicious cheesecake! Now everyone is off to get tied shoes on, in preparation of tonights evening program - Step it Up!

Until tomorrow, 


Day 5

Good evening everyone, today for breakfast we had bagels and oatmeal. We also enjoyed some hot cocoa on this chilly morning. Our normally scheduled classes were changed due to a very special guest speaker, Bobby Daly. He is a former Camp Asto Wamah staff member and has been serving in the peace corps for 2 years now. He presented information regarding the lives of those he has worked with in Uganda. Bobby explained how life in Uganda is different from our lives in the United States. He taught the campers a few songs and they seemed to have a lot of fun!

For lunch today we had baked ziti, baguettes and a fresh green salad on the side. After lunch we resumed our typically scheduled classes. Campers got to enjoy swimming, boating, sailing, and stand up paddle boarding. 

For supper we had chicken melts! Pretty soon we will be heading up to the field to begin our evening program. We are playing King Dodge ball. This game is different from medical war. In this game when a person gets out, they have to go to the other side and try to get out of jail by hitting someone with a dodgeball. Tonight's game is sure to tire everyone out! 

Until tomorrow, 


Day 4

After yesterdays rain storm, we were thrilled to be back to our normal camp activities today! The day began with a fan favorite of chocolate chip bread, a perfect start to this sunny, beautiful day! Then came the task of cleaning up the cabin and dealing with very wet clothes lines -- luckily we started an overflow line to help the drying process along!

The first three periods ran as normal, and then came dinner (our lunch time meal) of meat loaf that was enjoyed by all! A new recipe which was a hit amongst the campers! Rest hour, a time to relax, nap, work on small projects and get ready for the rest of the day, followed a trip to the store for, most likely, a piece of candy. 

Activity period included games of frisbee, jumping off the tower and playing gaga. There was no cookee bell tonight as kitchen staff had the day off, meaning eat out!!! Sandwiches of PB&J, turkey, ham and hummus were packed into baggies and into picnic baskets. Cabins got to eat together at various parts around camp, docks and picnic tables included! Bug juice (lemonade) was passed around along with chips and cookies! 

Now were all getting ready for evening program, Spies and Smugglers! 

Until tomorrow,

Gillian and Sloane

Day 2 & 3

Yesterday was a very successful first full day of camp! Everyone was excited to start classes and begin improving their swimming and rowing skills, as well as starting arts and crafts projects. In sports classes, we played the classic first day game called "Nuke 'Em", which helps everyone learn each other's names!

After dinner (we call lunch "dinner" at camp because it is our largest meal of the day) and rest hour, we were able to enjoy the beautiful water with a general swim. For activity period, campers were able to jump off the tower, play Kan Jam, and corn hole. We also started a sign-up list for the Hunter, Sunfish, and Paddleboards to be used throughout the session.

For evening program, we played a classic game of "Capture the Flag." About 30 girls came to the a-field early to expel some extra energy. This game was a huge hit and a great way to start off the week!

After a good night's sleep, this morning we served blueberry bread and cereal alternatives, and now everyone is back at their cabins getting ready for the day. We're hoping the rainy weather holds off for morning classes, but we are prepared for a day of indoor activities such as small craft jeopardy, board games, counselor trivia, and Reverse Scavenger Hunt!

Until tomorrow,

Amanda and Sloane

Day 1

Good evening everyone, today is the start of girls' camp! We had many returning campers, as well as 17 brand new ones. Once all of the campers were moved in, cabins began reviewing rules and went on tours of the camp. Brand new campers tested their swimming skills in order to see where they would be placed for swimming classes and general swim. 

For dinner tonight we enjoyed hot dogs and tater tots, along with baked beans. We also had brownies for dessert! For tonight's evening program the camp will be playing a camp wide game of "medical war". This is a huge game of dodgeball, and the camp is split into two teams. The goal is to get as many of the other team's players out. This game is for sure a camp favorite. The campers had a very busy first day and will likely be tired and ready for bed soon!

Until tomorrow, 


We're off to a great start!

We have begun camp!! Hurray!

Everyone is doing great so far! Today, everyone went off to meet their fellow campers and counselors. With tours going out around camp right after parents had left, we all met in the council ring to go over some rules and expectations for camp. After that, we met the staff and learned the rules for general swim. 

Our 24 new campers went in with Catherine, our waterfront director, to show off their skills. Catherine told them what level they would be in for swimming and then everyone went in for a short general swim. 

After general swim, everyone went up to change and then went back down to the flagpole for flag lowering. We do this every evening and morning. When the flag came down, we went up to supper. 

Tonight's supper was hot dogs and baked beans. We also had tater tots on the side. Brownies for dessert, filled everyone's stomachs to the brim. 

Currently, we are all getting ready for evening program. Every night we play a camp wide game. Tonights game will be "Medical War"! The campers love this game. It is a big dodgeball game. If you get hit by the ball, you sit down and wait for your teams "medic" to come and save you. 

We are hoping the everyone gets nice and tired during evening program so as to make their first sleep here just a little bit easier. Tomorrow should be fun, since everyone will get to meet their teachers! 

~Allissa Parker

Friday, July 29th

No one can believe that today was the last full day of this session! It has been phenomenal, our staff agrees that this has been one of the most well behaved and enthusiastic group of campers that we have ever seen. 

This morning was kicked off with blueberry bread and cereal. Although we were expecting rain for most of the day, we were lucky to only have rain for a few hours. Better yet, we were able to enjoy our last day of classes outside! Our classes today were less structured because we finished up all of the instruction yesterday. Many classes took their swimmers out on paddle boards, Sunfish, or practiced fun lifeguarding drills. Boaters and canoers and sports classes were equally carefree! 

For lunch today we enjoyed Texas hash, a tex-mex style casserole that campers loved! We also had salad and bread. For the first time this summer we had churros for dessert! Due to the fact that the great weather returned this afternoon, we again had 100% participation in general swim today. Swimmers jumped off the tower and dove off the rafts for the last time this session.

Activity period offered jumping off the tower, paddle boarding, playing a game in the Gaga pit, learning the popular song "Riptide" on the ukulele, or aquarium games! Campers took advantage of their last opportunity to participate in the unique activities camp has to offer. 

Chicken fajitas were served for dinner tonight alongside chips and applesauce. Campers loved the vanilla cake with chocolate frosting for dessert! They were sure to clean their plates quickly because they were excited for tonight's campfire! Campfire is our last night tradition here at Asto Wamah. Girls are given awards for passing their classes, being the cleanest cabin and winning track and field events. The evening is filled with songs and some goofy counselor skits that will be sure to make the campers smile!

Pickup tomorrow begins at 8:30 am, and we hope to see all campers on their way home by 10:00 am! We will be sad to see this wonderful group go!

See you tomorrow!

~Taylor and Shannon

Thursday, July 28th

Happy banquet day! The last Thursday of each session is banquet day, which tends to be everyone's favorite day at camp.

Everyone got to sleep in this morning! The wake up bell rang at 8:00 am instead of 7:30 am. Thirty minutes doesn't sound like a lot, but at camp it is definitely helpful for everyone. We made the early morning schedule a little quicker so we would be able to start classes at their normal time. We were back on regular schedule by 10:00 am! Classes were extra exciting today as campers got to find out whether or not they passed their swimming and boating classes! We are expecting a lot of rain on our last day tomorrow, so we made sure to take advantage of this beautiful day. 

General swim was extra exciting today because it was, again, very hot! To accommodate for the heat many activity period options were revolving around the lake. Campers were able to jump off the tower, participate in a diving contest, and ride in a Sunfish. 

It was a rather exciting day for meals today! Breakfast was english muffins and oatmeal. Lunch was what we call "pick up." We laid out the leftovers for some of our meals this session and campers got the opportunity to taste their favorites one more time before they leave! It was definitely a huge hit. 

Dinner gets it's own paragraph today, because it was definitely special. For banquet night we have our own version of a Thanksgiving dinner - turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, corn, mashed potatoes and gravy. For dessert we offer two different flavors of Shady Glen ice cream! 

Following banquet meal we sing songs, give out year awards, show a slideshow of all the pictures taken this session, and pass out the birch barkers (our camp newspaper). Then, while singing Amazing Grace, we all file outside and line up with our cabins. Each camper holds a bowl with a candle in it, and our candlelight readers read a bible phrase that relates to light. Cabin counselors choose a camper they think displayed exceptional behavior this session to be the candlelight reader for their cabin. It is a big honor to be chosen as candlelight reader at camp! The candlelight ceremony is a very traditional ceremony, and it is beautiful to see everyone's faces lit up around the circle. A very special night indeed. 

After the candlelight ceremony campers are expected to be silent, so getting ready for bed tonight went very quickly. A calm night will help everyone fall asleep fast tonight. 

One more day! Boy did this session move fast!

~Taylor and Shannon

Wednesday, July 27th

We woke up to a breakfast of waffles for the second time this session! How did we get so lucky? It was a great way to start the beautiful day. After breakfast campers who are in a swimming level of 6 or above were allowed to sign up to swim to Frog Island. Frog Island is a rocky, shallow area on the opposite side of the lake. It isn't technically an island, but camp traditions die hard. Once the swimmers get to the "island" they are allowed to choose a rock to bring back to commemorate their monumental swim!

Second and third period resumed a normal schedule, but swimming classes for those who had just swam across the lake were a little more subdued to give the swimmers a chance to recover. 

Lunch today was pork chops and mac and cheese and of course it was a hit with the campers! We had a jiggly dessert of Jell-o!

General swim was much appreciated today because we are still in the middle of a hot streak! Activity period followed 4th period and campers had the option to jump off the tower, go paddle boarding, participate in an archery tournament or learn songs on the ukulele! There was supposed to be a trip out on the Hunter as well but the wind decided to die after lunch so they wouldn't have gotten too far. They rescheduled the Hunter trip for tomorrow's activity period!

Dinner tonight was our usual Wednesday night meal, "Eat Out!" As a reminder, that is our picnic style meal that we have when kitchen staff is taking their day off. Many cabins enjoyed dinner on docks, while others took advantage of our lean-to.

For evening program tonight we are finishing our game of "Mission to Mars" that we started Monday night. The campers are very excited to finish up the game and hear the final scoring! After our evening program we have a special treat tonight. This is such a well behaved session that we decided the whole camp was going to meet on the A-Field after dark to spend some time star gazing before bed. It should be a clear night so there will definitely be lots to see! 

Only 2 short days left, where has this session gone!?

~Taylor and Shannon

Tuesday, July 26

Camp awoke refreshed and cooled off after the few rain showers that passed through last night! Energy was high all morning, especially after everyone's favorite breakfast was served - cinnamon bread! The campers' enthusiasm continued during classes as they worked to show their teachers how much they had learned this past week and a half.

Meatloaf was served for lunch today with mashed potatoes and carrots. Everyone loved it and many even found room to eat vanilla pudding for dessert!

Per campers' request, Rest Hour was extended by 15 minutes today! The girls insisted that they wanted to be well rested for the remainder of the day. And that they were! Everyone went in for general swim this afternoon. In deep water, many campers dove off the tower - an exciting feat for anyone at camp! 

For activity period this afternoon girls were able to go paddle boarding, jump off the tower, play soccer on the A-field, partake in Aquarium games, or work on their arts and crafts projects! However, many campers chose to work on Talent Night! Talent Night is a talent show that we have here at Asto Wamah. Many cabins work together to create a skit, song, dance, or musical piece to perform in front of the camp. Everyone looks forward to this evening program each year. It is always a fun night full of support and entertainment! 

For dinner campers enjoyed grilled cheese with tomato soup! Cucumbers, applesauce and chips were served alongside the sandwiches. Everyone loved the cheesecake that was passed out for dessert. We have been lucky enough to have cheesecake twice this session!

Campers are now practicing their performances for tonight. We cannot wait to see what these creative and talented girls have in store for us!

~Taylor and Shannon

Monday, July 25

After an exhausting track and field day, campers were excited to return to a normal morning schedule! We started the day with a breakfast of chocolate chip bread. Following breakfast campers got ready for their 3 morning classes. Everyone worked hard this morning and sailors particularly enjoyed classes - there was GREAT wind on the lake today!

Lunch today was chicken parmesan and it was gobbled up quickly! Many campers were noticing that they had not met a meal they haven't like yet! We love to hear that from our campers! 

Following rest hour the girls cooled off in the lake for general swim. However, we cut the swim a little short today because we had an exciting afternoon planned! First, we had a special program called "Birds on the Run" where a presenter brought some birds from his exotic birds shelter. The birds were beautiful and very smart! So many of them were starting to learn tricks that the girls really enjoyed helping with! When the presenter brought out each bird he told us a little story about their life, and it was really cool to get to know the birds a little more. Some had more traumatic pasts, while others just weren't able to join their previous owners when they moved to Italy! It was really a lot of fun!

Following our bird presentation, the whole camp gathered to hear the rules for a rare camp game- Mission to Mars! For this game the earthlings compete against the martians to find necessary water sources hidden around camp! They get an extra bonus if they also find the energy sources that will help power their rocket ship for its trip back to Earth! Basically the game is a more complex version of capture the flag, and the boundaries for the game include most of camp's property. The campers have been requesting to play this game all session so they were thrilled to see their requests were granted!

Dinner tonight was pulled pork, which is a newer meal we've added to our menu! Overall it appears to have received a big thumbs up! Our dessert was cherry cake which definitely didn't disappoint. 

Because we are predicting to get hit with some rain tonight, we are playing our evening program inside the lodge. We will be playing "minute to win it" style games that groups will try to complete in competition with the other traveling groups. 

Overall we've noticed that campers seemed to be especially exhausted today. The last few days have been very active and it is starting to catch up with the campers! Bedtime can't come fast enough for most, so we expect it to be a quiet night in the cabins!


~Taylor and Shannon

Sunday, July 24th

HAPPY TRACK AND FIELD DAY!!!!! Such an awesome day at camp!

We had no class schedule today, it was all about track meet. This morning in the time between cabin cleanup and lunch, the whole camp went up to the A-Field to participate in the individual track meet events. The campers traveled with their age groups: hilltop, lakeside and seniors. Each section voted on two team captains. We encourage the girls to vote for someone who is well motivated and supportive of everyone! Once the captains picked teams, the girls were off and running to their events! Hilltop started at the running long jump while lakeside was at the standing long jump and seniors were at the softball toss.  We had some very talented winners, but even those who didn't place had a great time cheering on their friends! It's such a great atmosphere to be a part of. After each section completed all three events, our preliminaries for the 50 yard dash took place. Again each group battled it out against each other for a spot in the finals. We had to have a photo finish for many of the final races!

Because it was another warm day, after our morning events we headed straight into the water for a general swim! Campers had a great time enjoying the water today and it was a lot of fun to watch them swim around with their friends and having fun. 

Lunch for track and field day was our traditional ham and noodles! We offered a side of carrots, squash and zucchini. Pears finished off our meal for dessert. 

When the bell rand ending rest hour, many of the girls rushed up to the A-field for the marathon. Starting at the A-field, campers ran with their section along corduroy road and down the camp road, ending at the lakeside cabins. The Indian War Relay followed. The Indian War Relay is a camp-wide race that involves every single camper! Two senior girls start running at the very top of the camp road, handing off the baton, in a relay setting, to about thirty campers until it got to main dock. From there two sets of swimmers dove into the water and handed off the baton to theboaters. The boaters met the canoers who paddled to meet runners by Hungerford cove (the farthest peak in camp). They made their way back to main camp and finally handed the baton off one last time to two fast swimmers who swam to the finish line to end the race!

Following our second general swim we played a camp wide game called non-stop cricket, a mix of tennis and baseball that continues with no end. Dinner came quickly and offered meatball grinders and chips. Green and white cake followed in proper Asto Wamah spirit!

For evening program we are playing a series of team based games that will help both green and white teams earn more points! They should be a lot of fun!

Everyone will be EXHAUSTED tonight, which is a very good thing. We are looking for some bright eyed campers in the morning to continue the normal camp schedule!

~Taylor and Shannon






Saturday, July 23rd

It's crazy to think that we are halfway through the session already! Some cabins switched bunks this morning to give everyone a chance to enjoy a top bunk. 

This morning we enjoyed cornbread and cereal for breakfast! Despite the heat, everyone devoured the lasagna that was served for lunch. The refreshing salad on the side was definitely welcomed! For dessert we had chocolate pudding topped with whipped cream. Dinner was another "Eat Out" tonight. We had stations set out around the flagpole with hotdogs, chips, a cucumber salad, and cookies for dessert! However, due to a sporadic rain shower we moved our meal inside. 

We experienced another hot day today so everyone jumped straight into the lake for swim classes! Campers were eager to show off how much they learned throughout this past week. Due to the heat, sports classes played a spin off of "Duck Duck Goose," called "Drip Drip Splash!" The idea is that you drip water on everyone's head as you walk around the circle and when you choose "goose" you dump the rest of the water on that person's head. It was a great way to cool off!

Today for activity period, campers could jump off the tower, go paddle boarding, take a ride on the Hunter, or play Aquarium games!

Tonight for evening program we are playing a game called "Step it Up!" There are various games set up on the A-field that allows campers to earn beans. Each bean equals a step their team captain can take. The captain is positioned all over camp and the first captain to make it to the center of the A-field wins the round! 

We will be going in for a quick dip to get cooled off before bedtime! At this point in the session, bedtime is welcomed by campers!

~Taylor and Shannon


Thursday, July 21st

It is safe to say that every camper (and staff member) is sleeping soundly at night! Many counselors have shared how the majority of the girls in their cabins fall asleep long before they have finished reading. 

This morning's breakfast was toasted english muffins alongside cereal. Campers were also give the option to indulge in a warm bowl of oatmeal! Following breakfast, girls were eager to start today's classes. We have been so fortunate with the amazing weather we've been having, no one had any objection to jumping straight into the lake for swim classes! Boaters enjoyed the sunshine as they explored Columbia Lake and worked on their strokes. Arts and crafts is held in arguably the coolest room in camp so many campers enjoyed working on friendship bracelets and baskets to get a quick break from the sun! Sports classes have been as exciting as ever! Back by popular demand, volleyball was played on the A-field. The girls have been extra diligent with the sunscreen - many even donned baseball caps this afternoon!

The campers enjoyed ravioli with a healthy salad and delicious french bread. The french bread always runs out quickly! Sorbet was offered for dessert and the vast majority of campers dug in to the cool treat! Rest hour was very peaceful, but soon after the lake was filled with splashes and laughter as every camper went in for general swim! Activity period offered a myriad of games. Girls jumped off the tower, did a "Wamah Workout" on the A-field, did some relaxing yoga, played badminton, or learned to play the ukulele! Many campers opted to take a quick dip after many of these activities to cool off before dinner. 

Dishees had a tough meal this evening, tacos! Although it requires many dishes and bowls, campers loved them nonetheless. For dessert everyone went crazy over our peach crisp. With a little extra sugar in their bloodstream campers are hurrying up to the A-field to play an all time favorite evening program - Pirates! Girls dress in sneakers, long pants, and dark colored clothing to participate in this exciting game. Campers search for a treasure in the woods while engaging in "gun battles". Our Wamah guns are dishee rags filled with flour. These little "guns" leave a white mark on their target. The campers are always tempted to tap their friends with the rags before the game even starts!

We are hoping that tomorrow the wonderful weather continues! It would make it a perfect week! 

~Taylor and Shannon

Wednesday, July 20th

It was an absolutely beautiful day at camp today! It is so much fun when the weather is nice!

Today was the campers favorite meal day so far! For breakfast we had cinnamon bread! Lunch was Swedish meatballs and mashed potatoes with carrots on the side, and dinner was "Eat Out." "Eat Out" is something very unique to camp. When the kitchen staff take their time off, instead of eating a meal in the upper lodge, cabins eat a picnic of sandwiches together somewhere else in camp. For example, some one cabin ate on main dock, and another chose to eat dinner in the Gazebo! "Eat Out" is always a lot of fun for campers.

We had some cool new activities offered today. Hilltop sports classes had the opportunity to play pickleball on the tennis courts and they had a wonderful time! Curt, our resident musician, taught a group of girls how to play songs on the camp Ukuleles. Four of our campers chose to practice extra so they could arrange a song to play at our talent night coming up! Swimming classes continued to work on their strokes and boating classes enjoyed the beautiful day on the lake. Sailors had a harder time because there wasn't much wind out on the lake, but nonetheless they still had a beautiful day to be out on the water. 

Today for activity period campers could choose to jump off the tower, participate in a diving contest, play volleyball on the A-Field or engage in a Gaga ball tournament. There were plenty of fun options for today!

Our evening program tonight is a game called Spies and Smugglers. This tends to be a favorite among returning campers. The camp splits into two teams - one being the spies, and the other being the smugglers. The smugglers have a small piece of paper that has a point value on it, and their goal is to smuggle it up to the A-field without being caught by a spy. Spies can tag smugglers and have 3 guesses to find where the secret piece of paper is hidden on their person. It's a high energy game that allows campers to be sneaky and creative! It's easy to see why its so popular!

I've heard many girls today talk about how fast this session is going! They can't believe it's already Wednesday! It turns out the phrase "time flies when you're having fun" definitely applies here at Asto Wamah!

Until tomorrow,

~Taylor and Shannon

Tuesday, July 19th

Campers were a little groggy today on the way to breakfast but they quickly perked up when they saw their breakfast - waffles with peanut butter! That is always a great way to start the camp morning. 

Morning classes went smoothly! We had an absolutely beautiful day at camp! Swimmers were very excited to get in the water and learn their strokes, boaters got to explore the lake a little more, sports classes were able to choose what they wanted to play. Their options were Kan Jam, Spikeball, or problem solving on our low ropes course. Nature classes tried their hand at meditation, something many campers enjoyed! Arts & Crafts classes made great progress on their individual projects.

Chicken fingers were offered for lunch with a side of rice, squash, and green beans. A dessert of peaches followed our meal. After rest hour all campers went in for a general swim! So far they have loved to take advantage of the water! We love their enthusiasm! 

Following 4th period campers were offered different activities to participate in. They were able to jump off the tower, ride paddle boards, go sailing with a counselor, participate in a diving contest, or go for a run. Lots of exciting options today!

Dinner tonight was grilled cheese served with tomato soup.  Chips and cucumbers were also served along the side of the grilled cheese, with cheesecake as our dessert. We LOVE cheesecake for dessert - it was definitely a hit. 

Tonight's evening program will be a game of Capture the Flag! Before evening program the campers have an option to go to the A-Field early to play a variety of individual games as entertainment before the big camp-wide program. Such a special treat! 

We expect that by tonight everyone will finally be sleeping well. We can tell the campers are already starting to wear themselves out - Perfect!

~Taylor and Shannon